Ana bahebak^^

Ana bahebak^^
LOvely and Sweet (n_n)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting mad of myself again~~!!!!!

I am going crazy for doing nothing,
I am going crazy for this disaster,
I am going crazy that I cant call out because of the damn poor coverage network!!!!!

Getting mad while I cant say out something which only really have to keep it myself~~
I wanna come out from it right now~~!!!!!

Hey U ! Go away~!!! (copyright of Hossam) hahaha
Yes, Sam u help me this time because I suddenly remember your silly word- go away~~ make me laugh easily^^ hu~~~ take me to heaven please~~~

1 comment:

  1. mayb u no suitable for heaven,but u r suitable for hell..haha,coz u is spicy devil ...
