Cant stop to think why the one I loved is this kinda jerk....
I'm being fool since the day I be with him...
He is playing 3 sticks... How worse is he used that girl and me to satisfy his desperation...
Maybe he did loved but now he is not the one who deserved this anymore...
Thousand times of tears showed its hurt but he never realize and care...
What a selfish guy and stupid...
STUPID because he thought his lie can be covered 4ever.
He doesnt worth for those who really treat him sincere and loyal.
He used her sympathize and spend her money... He is too arrogant and thought ppl can be played by him. LMAO
PLS - An OPINION here~ never gave money to ur BF, he is not yet husband~ Once money go to poor guy its hard to claim back... I knw this might because woman think it doesnt matter because she loves him...
U can play their emotion but u never get the real love!
WOMEN are not weak!!! Please Protect urself, don let other got chance to ruin ur life !!
I was very tired to think what can I do to U! I admit I wan whole world know ur real face coz u're really too over to us! I am not stupid as I told u... Every time I was observe ur behavior and u never read my mind...
What a shame on ur family..

Too much depress and angry cause war begin, but the WAR cant even start because I face a COWARD!!
U said u're from ROYAL family but what u behave now is not a ROYAL ppl who should be...
COWARD could not stand beside WARRIOR, it just HUMILIATE them...
COWARD never brave to stand out for what they'd done... They're most likely to hide or even blame to other...
Its very difficult to let u stay in my heart... No more space for ASSHOLE... Get out of my life! huhu
I'll pray to GOD, probate him back to his original place, don let him get the chance to fool around... AMEN~
hehehehehe... DIMENSION to be a DEVIL... DARE to say out truth... Show them what is your COLOURS...
Dun cry to this kind of jerk...U deserve better life, Cheer :)
ReplyDeletethx... cheers for better life ^^